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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence & Information System Program

26/07/2022 11:47  717


An overview of the training program

      The Information Systems major is a training program for engineers who are able to analyze, design, build, and operate information systems; data analysis to support decision-making; and the connection between parties concerned in organizations and businesses with information technology experts. After graduation, students can take on a variety of roles in enterprises with the demand to build and develop Information Systems and Information Technology.

The purpose of the program

      The main objective of the training program is to train human resources to ensure quality, with basic knowledge and skills of necessary natural knowledge, specialized and near-majoring knowledge for the graduate students to apply for various positions.

Students have the competencies of an Information Systems engineer, responding to the developments of the major in the approaching decades.

Job positions for graduate students

After graduating from Information Systems major, students can take on the following positions:

- Database and information systems administrator;

- Analyst and designer of information systems;

- Data analyst and designer;

- Specialist in developing desktop, Web, and mobile applications;

- Information technology project manager;

- Information systems consultant;

- Teaching Informatics for High Schools or Schools with Informatics Training;

- Researching in scientific institutes and research institutes;

- Studying for postgraduate studies in IT majors.

The educational philosophy of the program

"Learning by Design”

      We believe that learning through practice and experience will form professional competencies, professional ethics, and a sense of responsibility to serve the community of Information Systems Engine

2. INTRODUCTION TO Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Program

An overview of the training program

      The Artificial Intelligence and Data Science major is a training program for engineers who are able to analyze, design, build, and operate information systems; data analysis to support decision-making; and the connection between parties concerned in organizations and businesses with information technology experts. After graduation, students can take on a variety of roles in enterprises with the demand to build and develop Information Systems and Information Technology.

The purpose of the program

      The main objective of the training program is to train human resources to ensure quality, with basic knowledge and skills of necessary natural knowledge, specialized and near-majoring knowledge for the graduate students to apply for various positions.

Students have the competencies of an Information Systems engineer, responding to the developments of the major in the approaching decades.

Job positions for graduate students

After graduating from Artificial Intelligence and Data Science major, students can take on the following positions:

- Database and information systems administrator;

- Analyst and designer of information systems;

- Data analyst and designer;

- Specialist in developing desktop, Web, and mobile applications;

- Information technology project manager;

- Information systems consultant;

- Teaching Informatics for High Schools or Schools with Informatics